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Opt 1.00
Opt © 1995 Jimmie Matsson.
Not for commersial usage.
This is a small program you can put in your C: drawer(if you
use DD of cource). If you use the DDOpts variable(who don't??)
this program can help you a lot. First you got to make sure
the DDOpts exists, you can do that with Set or SetEnv.
Then sometimes you might want to add to delete an option from
the varible. That is not to hard, you just reset the variable
and everything is ok... well yes, but with Opt and you want to
add an option you just type like.. Opt H
and the option H will be added to the DDOpts var :)
Then to remove it you just type like... Opt H rem
and the H opt is in computer heaven ;)
Of cource you can type more then one option, actually you can type
almost as many as you want to. The limit is 150 character, but that
will be enough i suspect. You can add like this
1. Opt -h -H -i -C
2. Opt -hHiC
3. Opt hHiC
4. Opt h H i C
Add the REM option and it will delete the options instead
of adding them ;)
Opt adds/deletes options from the first DDOpts var it can find???
Meaning it first looks for a local var and if no one is found, it
will look for a global one and then do what it is supposed to do.
So if both a global and local exist, onley the local will be changed.
But if onley the global one existed, thats the one to be changed.
And if DDOpt is not set, nothing will happen(more then a errormessage).
But you can add one of the parameters LOCAL or GLOBAL, if so then
onley the one you specifyed will be tested. Ex. Opt H global
then if you got a local DDOpts, it will never be touched. But the
global one(if existed) will have got a new option.
The parameters is
OPTS=OPTIONS/A : The options to add
REM=REMOVE/S : If used, the options will be deleted instead
LOCAL/S : Make no changes to the global in no local existed
GLOBAL/S : Make no changes to the local if no global existed
The sources that follows is programed in AmigaE. If you are a
don't got this language i just want to say to you:
GEEEEEEEEEEET IIIIIIIT!!!!!!!! It's very great =)
If you want to contact me for some reason because of this great
and small program you can get my address in the DunderDir.Guide.
Please write that it's this program you want to ask something
or make a comment about.
That's all folks!
Jimmie Matsson